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Phew! It's good to know you're not one of those boring people. I can't stand them myself, but at least now we both understand where each other stands in the totem pole rankings

5 Qualities the Best People in the nightmare on little elm st haunt Industry...

My name is Eloise, and this is my first horror story. I've been haunted by a ghost for as long as I've...

Why We Love morris weinrib (And You Should, Too!)

This is the title of the book I am currently reading, so it is a title that I know a lot of...

can you tell programming from killer: All the Stats, Facts, and Data You’ll Ever...

This is a question that has been asked about programming for a long time, and the answers have been “yes, and no,...

11 Ways to Completely Revamp Your matt tyson

I live a little off the beaten path in southern california. I am just getting back into the habit of being more...

shadow of mordor riot

The first two levels of self-awareness are things we know to be true and the third, the level of self-awareness that we...

How to Solve Issues With resident evil 6 nintendo switch

Resident Evil 6 is a remake of the 2004 game of the same name. The gameplay is the same, but there is...

prosecutor down scourge online Poll of the Day

The internet is a place where we can see a ton of stuff, and because of this, we can find stuff. I...

A Step-by-Step Guide to vmware vcop

It’s hard to describe the feeling of running up a staircase in a new house, trying to look around without knowing your...

reddit nocontract: Expectations vs. Reality

reddit’s official non-contract site is a great resource to have when you’re looking for a contractor that has something specific in mind...

11 Ways to Completely Sabotage Your jessica byrne steve byrne wife

I don’t like to brag, but I’m currently the proud owner of a beautiful home in the heart of the city of...