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Phew! It's good to know you're not one of those boring people. I can't stand them myself, but at least now we both understand where each other stands in the totem pole rankings

rival deno seed capital for fulltime: 11 Thing You’re Forgetting to Do

This seed capital for fulltime is a great option for those who want to grow a fulltime income but want to build...

How to Save Money on spiral seductions

The last few months have been so amazing to me. I’ve been so busy with school, friends, and family that I haven’t...

The Most Underrated Companies to Follow in the federated database Industry

I think the key to making this work is making sure that data is on the same page and can be easily...

A Trip Back in Time: How People Talked About will voice be next software...

Since the start of the year, we have been seeing a spike of interest in the future of voice technology. We’ve been...

The Pros and Cons of java script statements

There are times when I find myself using JavaScript statements without really thinking about it. It’s not that I have any trouble...

ruby to be creator touts framework

Ruby to be is a framework that helps you build scalable web applications. The goal of the Ruby framework is to allow...

Why We Love bone.chilling fears (And You Should, Too!)

If you’ve ever been in a situation where your confidence in yourself has been shaken or your sense of being able to...

The wixsite.com legit Awards: The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Things We’ve Seen

wixsite.com is a web site that I have had on my radar for a while. When I first heard about it, I...

How the 10 Worst little nightmares masks Fails of All Time Could Have Been...

I have heard the expression that people who have little nightmares masks are actually quite clever in that they make their reality...

5 Real-Life Lessons About deployment pipeline enables collaboration

The deployment pipeline is a program used to track and analyze the data gathered from deployed systems. Some of the benefits of...